Tickets go onsale Monday, March 27th at 10:00AM at the Riverside Theatre box office and at all Ticketmaster outlets or call 414-276-4545 or charge online. Group Sales Discount on 20 or more tickets and for further information, call 414-224-3000 Why is this special?Well to most of you it isn't, but of course it's been a year since I first saw Riverdance in person, and the tickets were for my birthday, and well I loved the show so much I've gone to write to Abhann Productions asking them to come back and not let another five years go by, and I went on to say how the tickets were my birthday gift (March 29) and little did I know that This year, on March 26th the announcement came out the Riverdance will be BACK! So with the money I got from this years birthday I bought my self a ticket yet again.....Happy Birthday to me! Where will you sit?If you haven't got your tickets yet, you better soon. If you're going to "Experience The Original Riverdance The Show" stop on by before the Riverside Theater doors open at 7pm and talk with me, I'll most likely be at the theater by 6pm or at least walking around the stage door for a glimpse at the cast. If your attending Tuesday, August 22nd then stop on by Row J, Seat 106 in the Center Section, just a few rows from the stage. I'll be there till the end where it's off to the Stage Door for yet one more glimpse. The Show ExperienceThe Show is days away and I'm already giddy with excitement, I can't wait for the show to happen. I plan on documenting the entire night, from me leaving my house to parking in the expensive parking lot (parking is a rip-off downtown), to the Riverside Theather, from stage door, etc. Let your comments be heardI thought that this might be a good time to also let your voice be heard. I'm going to attend The Lagan Company, and thought that maybe if you wanted to say something to your favorite cast member or the stage director, or band member, then email me. From April 5th till August 22nd I'll print out your comments and try to get them to the right people. Just send them to me at: webmaster@riverdance.zzn.com If I can't get them to the right person, I'll just give the stack of papers either a member of the cast or try the Stage Director.
Copyright © 2002 Daniel Mueller
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